In May 2015 in the town of Pazardjik we conducted Phase 1 Training. 26 people participated from different towns in Bulgaria; with different background and many interesting business ideas. Some of the feedback that we received:
"I learnt that I can make a plan for my future life"
"The most valuable training for me so far and for my future development"
"Now I even have an idea about the name of my future flowers shop"
"I have never been to another seminar that gives me so many ideas"
"The new thing for me was about marketing. I have never known what is marketing before."
"Extremely useful practical exercises!"
"I learnt how could a successful business be established on Godly principles"
"I learnt that it is not easy to start, but it is extremely important to do a marketing research"
"I learnt that I can actually use my brain in business" <- this is my favourite one :)
"I am thankfull to the whole team for the smiles, responsiveness, the surprises and the ideas"
"I learnt what my mistakes were."
"I learnt a lot of things about myself and what questions I need to ask myself." - this is from an HR professional.
"Very good balance between theory and exercises"
"I learnt what is budget - I did not know what it means before."
"I met some great new people"