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Participate Our approach is to utilize experienced foreign-based entrepreneurs and business professionals as volunteers to teach, coach and mentor the aspiring Bulgarian entrepreneurs.

These volunteers self-fund their travel and activities in Bulgaria.


Fund To offer Christian training and funding to potential businesses we must ensure that we can provide funds to:

  • Run the Business Ministry
  • Provide training materials and programs
  • Provide capital loan funding to the new businesses
  • Allow local devoted Christian business consultants to offer free business consultancy to both Christians and non-Christians and thus affect the mentality and the development of the business owners and strengthen their relationship with God.

Adopt a Business

In order for each micro-business to run, the entrepreneurs in Bulgaria need continuous mentoring and guidance. Bulgaria does not have the environment stimulating and facilitating micro business and thus beginning businesses need constant guidance and help. This help is provided by experienced business consultant. By adopting a business you could ensure that each month a professional business consultant will spend at least 4 hours with the entrepreneur and will help them overcome problems, see potential opportunities and avoid risks. One business consultation is $75USD and 100% of the donation goes towards that specific business. We believe that by continuous guidance the inspiring Bulgarians could grow and flourish in the otherwise difficult economic situation.

Please contact us if you would like to contribute financially towards the Bulgarian BAM ministry or use one of the methods below: